Christopher Alexander ( Austria, mathematician and architectural theorist, His offers definitive solutions to the problems of urban architecture and design.) Kent Beck( USA, Silicon Valley., Smalltalk Patterns Languages) Alistair Cockburn(USA, Human Technologies, OO Software Specialist) Frank Buschmann(German, Patterns Languages) James O. Coplien(USA, New-Jersey, Bell Laboratories, Joe is the World best and biggest Pattern's Researcher) Ward Cunningham(USA, Oregon/Portland. Large scale systems with distributed control and distributed architecture that favors robustness over correctness) Gert Florijn(Utrecht,Netherlands, Project Manager and Saff member at SERC) Erich Gamma(Zurich, Technical Director of the Software Technology Center of ObjectTechnologyInternational, Author of "Design Patterns") Ralf Johnson (USA, Illinois/Urbana. Frameworks,patterns, business objects, Smalltalk, COM and refactoring.) Doug Lea ( USA, New-York/Oswego. Author of several OOD/A-Papers and Books. State University of New York at Oswego. OOD/A-Specialist) James Noble(Australia, Sydney. Microsoft Research Institute, Software design) Douglas C. Schmidt (USA, Associate Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering University of California, Irvine, Formerly Associate Professor Department of Computer Science Washington University, Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture: Patterns for Concurrent and Networked Objects) Bob Paige (New York University) Pierre Lescanne Chris Colby (USA, Chicago. Assistant professor in the Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences of Loyola University in Chicago.) Bob Harper Peter Lee Mark Leone John Reynolds David Schmidt Charles Weir (UK/London. Software Architect) |