

Thanks for choosing my site You're welcome, to what I believe in my own humble opinion, is the most overall useful site you will find on the web about software as well as about my native beloved continent. You will also find a lot of information pertaining to what stash behind the term software, since it is one of the draws to this area. Last year i took a short time in order to build this page. The first question i had to answer was: why should i need my own site or homepage if getting needed infos out of the net via other sites is anyway endowed ? Yes, that question funny me,really because surfing on the net is firtsly very expensive and ultimately it take a lot of idle time,in which we can resolve another thing. In this point of view i began to assemble any source of infos around the net, in order to spend time by searching any documents out of the net. You certainly know the famous byword "Time is money". In reference to that my main purpose in creating this website, is to offer tips and acknowledge usually needed, and help you to experience the software world in ways we, as software developers,enjoy it. There are also sections of this site for those of you who want to have objective akcknowledge about my country and the continent. On this home page, the "doorway" to my site, I'll talk about my reasons for wanting a web site (Home's page),introduce myself (General' page), try to view my familly (General's page) as well as my friends(Friends pages) and my backgro in software development (My Background's page). In Addition, you will find the newest latest stuff about that topic,which i hope is the "must be read" story (Latest stuff's page). Finally you will find the core of my site,namely all things related to software activities. _____________ Note: ______________ I receive no renumeration for the information contained on this website, although I do have one or two sponsors. The information offered here, is therefore, quite objective. There links to commercial operations, but I am in no way connected with any of them and you patronize them at your own risk. ________________________________ 