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The Software Research ...
I have tried to assemble a list of interesting files, links and sites on the internet that are relevant to any software research area such as compiler building, software quality managment, telephony and programming langugas. My selection is pretty random and certainly doesn't cover everything. If you're interested to know how the internet has been created, then don't hesitate to open the NASA site. 
Software Cost Estimation & Control
Recherches en d?nnage des logiciels parall?s
If Software Quality is a Perception, How do we Measure It? 
IIT Software Engineering
The European Association for Programming Languages and Systems
The Compiler Connection at NULLSTONE 
The Teaching About Programming Languages project.
AMAST Links (Algebraic Methodology And Software Technology)
Researchers in Programming Languages and Compilers 
Action semantics
Calculi for Mobile Processes
Formal methods
Functional programming
Instruction set simulation and instruction-level program tracing
Logical frameworks
Memory management
Mobile code
Program Specialization and Partial Evaluation 
Overview of C++ (Aug 28th) 
Overview of Remote Procedure Call (RPC) (Sept 4th) 
Overview of Sockets (Sept 9 - 11th) 
Overview of ACE C++ Socket Wrappers (Sept 16th) 
Alternative Techniques for Designing Concurrent Server Daemons using ACE (Sept 18th and Sept 25th) 
An Overview of Multi-threading Mechanisms (Sept 30th, October 2nd, October 9th, October 14th) 
An Overview of Java (October 7th) 
The ACE Service Configurator Framework (October 14th) 
CORBA Event Services (October 16th) 
Patterns and frameworks for WWW clients/servers using ACE (October 21st and 23rd) 
An Overview of Java Threading (October 28th, 30th, and November 4th) 
An Overview of CORBA (November 4th, 6th, 13th, 18th, 20th) 
Multi-threading CORBA Servers (November 25th)
Implementing Berkeley Sockets in System V Release 4
Beej's Guide to Network Programming Using Internet Sockets
BSD Sockets: A Quick And Dirty Primer
IPC SAP -- A Family of Object-Oriented Interfaces for Local and Remote Interprocess Communication
The Reactor: An Object-Oriented Interface for Event-Driven UNIX I/O Multiplexing 
The Object-Oriented Design and Implementation of the Reactor: A C++ Wrapper for UNIX I/O Multiplexing  
The Service Configurator Framework 
The Service Configurator Pattern 
HTTP 1.0 specification.
HTTP 1.1 specification
The Java tutorial chapter on Threads of Control
The Javasoft Java API Documentation on java.lang.thread
The java.net package and the java.io package
Java RMI
The Javasoft Java API Documentation
The java.applet package
General help on the java language and API documentation
Using Solaris Threads: Java Runtime Experiences
Action semantics
Automated deduction 
Automated reasoning
Calculi for Mobile Processes
Formal methods
Functional programming
Functional logic programming
Instruction set simulation and instruction-level program tracing
Linear logic 
Literate programming
Logic programming
Logical frameworks
Memory management
Mobile code
Object-oriented programming
Program Specialization and Partial Evaluation
Run-time code generation
Semantics-based program analysis and manipulation 
Skeletal parallelism 
Software engineering
Supercomputing and parallel computing
The Types Forum
Visual programming and program and data visualisation
Formal methods in OO
NASA Formal methods
Bell Labs formals methods
Applied Logic
The Patterns Home Page
Writting your Own Patterns
Mailling Lists and Archives
Books about Patterns
Patterns Discussion Groups
Presentations of Patterns
Roles Before Objects
Unified Method & Jacobson
Open Implementations
OO Libr Business Reengineering
Shlaer-Mellor methodology
Efficient Incremental Checkpointing of Java Programs, IRISA Research Report 1264, revised version to appear in DSN-2000
Specialization Patterns, INRIA Research Report 3853, revised version to appear in ASE 2000 
A Declarative Approach for Designing and Developing Adaptive Components, revised version to appear in ASE 200